The Swimmer

Hedy Hempe with The Swimmer at Boekelo | Photograph by Eric Brinkhorst 2018

The swimmer, that’s me! In recent years the urge has arisen to express myself in arms and legs. Last year I felt the need to give the swimmer a shape from the inside. The first model of 1.2 meters is casted in special white concrete. I am working on a smaller model for bronze and aluminum. The swimmer will take various postures in the coming years and will be expressed in different materials and techniques.

The Swimmer at the entrance of Medical Centre Boekelo | 6 April 2018
Hot wire cut model of PS | Hedy Hempe 2017
Ready for sanding | Hedy Hempe 2018
The Swimmer, 3D-design in Rhiceros | Hedy Hempe 2018

En faisant et en pensant…