
Female Identity 3.0

You are welcome to my free lecture on Female Identity because I am on a mission for a better world in which men and women work together and live in harmony with nature. Afterwards you can visit a photo-exhibition in the De Möllerwerf. I invited local and national photographers to give their view on the subject Female Identity.

Sunday 5th of June, 15.30 hrs, De Möllerwerf , Oude Boekeloseweg 33e Hengelo, opening photo-exhibition with reed fan dance & saxophone player at 16.30 hrs.

As a female artist I feel resistance in our society. As a researcher I have the need to analyze this resistance and as an artist the urge to tackle it. I am a woman but in order to be appreciated, and possibly successful, I must act like a man, think like a man, I must prove myself. That’s what this society expects of me, that’s what I feel. I am therefore in a split; I am a woman and I feel like a woman, but because I want to be appreciated and possibly successful, I develop my masculine side more strongly than my feminine side. I am having more and more trouble being a woman, and it has led to an identity crisis and depression.

As an artist, more than other people, you consciously and unconsciously receive signals from society. In order to communicate, you want to understand how humans live, why they behave that way, what they do, think and feel. As an artist, more than other people, I have the need to express myself. In my case in the form of visual art and poems. Through these means I try to get in touch with myself as a person and the people around me. The resistance I feel in the patriarchal society prevents me from being myself. And that’s exactly what I want: to be myself. That is why I search for Female Identity.

The same lecture I will give on the 6th of June, 11.00 hrs, Eemklooster in Amersfoort.