
From another era…

This is a surrealistic design for an artwork at art event Hummelo (The Netherlands). A walking route takes the visitor around a beautiful, authentic and historical dutch landscape, maintained by one of the oldest aristocrate family of The Netherlands. A remarkable place to dwell and to show art…

Due to an historical event this has become an interesting location: in 1849 Julia, the baron’s daughter, died here when she was twenty, after a fall from her horse. Her father had built her a castle at Enghuizen and she was about to get married. A terrible accident for parents who already lost two sons. The youngest son inherited the castle instead, but it was bommed by allied airplanes during WOII and a few years later the remains where destroyed by a fire. An empty pedestal reminds of a dramatic story from another era…

Intuitively this location has a strong association with a no mans land, a neutral vaccuum, a grey zone, a portal to a next dimension. I tried to unite these associations in a infinite, 3-dimensional knot, floating in space, inserted by surrealistic tubes, each representing a dimension. But I also feel a connection with the era of the Renaissance. The lordship of Enghuizen has its origin already in the Middle Ages. The aristocratic family of Van Heeckeren manage to keep it through all times, including the Renaissance and the Napoleontic period. The Renaissance was an important transition to a more scientific, modern way of thinking and living. Time and space were given a new meaning. Religion and filosofie came together in science.

En faisant et en pensant, je découvre la vie…